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Don't Worry
Pray, Hope and Don't Worry Book 1

This book is about how the author Diane Allen had interviewed hundreds of people and told their inspiring stories, about a Saint called Padre Pio who changed their lives. The book is a glimpse into the life and spirtuality of Saint Padre Pio of Petrelcina who has often been called " The greatest mystic of the 20th century".

It made me laugh, cry, wonder and actually re-affirm my faith, and changed my life. It made me see life in a completely different way. Padre Pio is like a father figure to me, and has helped me grow as a person and helped me enormously through my most difficult times. It is the most inspiring book I have read which gave me hope, faith and peace. To this day, I still open it and read the short stories again as they are just so uplifting, Padre Pio touched so many lives , as he has mine. 

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry is not your usual book, it's actually true short stories about individuals that encountered miracles and guidance in their lives through St.Padre Pio.

To read Padre Pio's testimonials online go to and please feel free to forward any testimonials for us to publish for those to read. Names can be withheld.

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry Book 2

Due to the overwhelming amount of testimonials received, Diane Allen decided to publish book II to share their testimonies. Included in the book are a number of interviews the author conducted with those that had met Padre Pio personally and had experiences to share. 

The book contains 40 chapters and 480 pages along with Padre Pio's prayers.

Who is Padre Pio ?

Born of simple, hardworking farming people on 25 May 1887, in Pietreicina Southern Italy.

Age 15 he entered the Capuchin Friars of feeble health but strong will.

Age 23, he was ordained a priest.

Age 31, the five wounds of our Lord's passion appeared on his body, making him the first stigmatised priest in the history of the church, which stayed with him for 50 years.

Hundreds of people were attracted to his confessional and many more received his saintly guidance .

The extraordinary charism of perfume in the life of Padre Pio is well documented. For the faithful, the perfume is regarded as a sign of his spiritual presence. It is often served to communicate the message of a grace that is to be received. It has acted as a comfort to those who were suffering. At times it has served as a warning of impending danger, whilst other times a signal of Padre Pio's protection.

Padre Pio could biolocate, which is to be in more than one place at a time. Provide healings and could read your heart and throughout his life performed many miracles to this day.

His whole life was marked by long hours of prayer and continual austerity, and ineffable sufferings, physical and spiritual.

Age 81 Padre Pio passed away. He said " After my death I can do more. My real mission will begin after my death".

16 June 2002, John Paul II declared Padre Pio a Saint.

Millions of people visit San Giovanni Rotonto every year.

They exhumed Padre Pio's body and now lies in a glass sepulchre in the crypt of the saint's shrine in San Giovanni Rotondo.

Pray to Padre Pio for guidance and help as he is always listening to your prayers.

  Don't worry about the things in life you have no control over, instead focus your energy on the things you can change, being positive and confident helps us to look forward instead of looking backwards.
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**Disclaimer: The information contained herein is general in nature and for informative purposes only. It is based on the author’s personal experience. The author assumes no responsibility whatsoever, under any circumstances, for any actions taken as a result of the information contained herein**

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